Hwajeong Lina You Northwood / 12th
Vaccination programs have dramatically reduced, and in some cases, prevented deadly diseases like COVID-19, coronary artery disease, and tuberculosis. This success underscores the importance of vaccinations for maintaining public health; however, accessibility of vaccinations may be a bigger issue.
Vaccines work by treating pathogens to make them weaker, and are then injected into a patient so their body can form antibodies. They not only reduce the spread of disease but also protect individuals’ health. Successful vaccination programs have had a huge impact on society. For example, DTP3 vaccination has been very effective and has saved many lives. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “During 2023, about 84 percent of infections worldwide (108 million) received 3 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine, protecting them against infectious diseases that can cause seriousness and disability or be fatal.”
Despite these successes, access is not readily available worldwide. According to the WHO, “The global coverage rate for all teresa doses of the Hib vaccine is estimated at 77 percent. Variations vary widely among regions.
WHO Europse is estimated to have a coverage rate of 94 percent, while WHO’s Western Pacific region has a coverage rate of only 33 percent.” which means the low-income countries lag far behind high-income countries in vaccination numbers. In addition, some people might not have easy access to vaccination programs.
According to the CDC, “more than 40,000 healthcare providers are participating in VFC, children living in rural areas can still have difficulty finding participating providers.”
Ultimately, vaccination programs are essential for preventing disease outbreaks and saving lives, but greater access needs to be addressed if we hope to have healthier and safer communities.
Hwajeong Lina You Northwood / 12th>
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