Susie Kim 10th Grade / Villa Park High School
Often referred to as its hidden jewel, Villa Park is a quaint, yet charming city lying in the heart of Orange County. Teeming with diverse groups of citizens, it stands as a true definition of community. Being such a small town, the majority of events on campus at its one local high school intertwine with large branches of the city.
For example, the local Rotary funds the high school’s Interact club, which in turn hosts many of its events in the town center. What solidifies the sense of community, however, is the unity all throughout this city. Not only does the high school have a tight-knit support system, but with the right initiatives, students have opportunities to involve themselves in impactful activities within their community. Students also enjoy the opportunities of a vibrant, healthy school environment, as this high school is renowned for its outstanding reputation in both academics and sports.
With a wide variety of elements, from AP courses to ample options regarding physical education, Villa Park provides a place for anyone to thrive no matter what differences stand. Within the Orange Unified School District, Villa Park High School is constantly looked up to not only in cumulative GPAs but also in sportsmanship. Through winning the title of CIF champions, silvering in the nationals, and being league champions for STUNT, the school’s cheer team has maintained cordial, healthy relationships with different cheer programs in the area.
Aside from on-campus life, the natural beauty of lush landscapes and views from this town are truly admirable. Its regional parks and various viewpoints make this location a great town to explore, as well as a wonderful home to many. Local clubs and organizations consistently hold cleanups and beautfications to perserve these traits. The combined efforts of countless individuals in the area are what keep the city in a healthy state, and for such long periods of time.
The genuine determination and strive from all aspects of this community keep it thriving, and from its history to modern day improvements, every area of this small city is appreciated and worked on for the better.
Susie Kim 10th Grade / Villa Park High School>
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