Jacob Kim / Rowland HS 10th Grade
What would kids be doing today if we didn’t have technology as advanced?
All the kids in the world would be bored, that they just want to find something instead to do. Technology has really changed the world for the last couple of years from video games, iphones, ipads, laptops, It’s hard to imagine what life can be without it, because it literally has become a hobby for most people in the world.
The majority of the people who tend to use technology the most are the younger generations, starting from elementary to high school Although many people use technology, it’s not always a good thing.
Not every child enjoys the technology in many ways.. Socializing with people is one of the essential needs in our society today. It’s been proven that only 10% of Americans don’t use the Internet, which means that almost everybody has some sort of technology. There seems to be more of an issue with the teenagers. Teenagers would use their technology for social media, games, or for school education The result of only texting would make you feel more awkward, and begin to have no friends. Connor Kim, a 9th grader from Troy High School, is one of the teenagers who have a phone. He uses his phone 4 hours a day, looking through social media or talking to friends.
He believes that he should text rather than to talk because he can think about what he wants to say, instead of talking on the spot. Although he doesn’t seem lonely at all, he depends more on the phone to say what he has to say, instead in person. Technology can also not make you lonely.
Collaboration is important because there are times when we can’t do things alone. Friends/partners are the best to work together with because success can be shown and that life can be made so much easier.
According to Kyle Min, 10th grade from Los Alamitos High School says,” I use my phone each day for 1-5 hours. I believe that technology doesn’t make you lonely because I can hear the stories of others and sympathize with them. I can also express my interests with anonymity and let others enjoy my fruits of labor.”
He believes technology can be used to help others who are in need of help.We can always find a way to make friends with technology.This shows that technology doesn’t always have a bad side, there are positives to not feel lonely.
There are some good sides, and bad sides to see if technology makes people lonely. I personally believe that technology makes people feel lonely, because of the way schools are today. I would see many outcasts, sitting by themselves eating and it makes me feel worried about myself. I want to try and find a way to help those kinds of people. Let’s all make efforts to try and make these people sociable!
Jacob Kim / Rowland HS 10th Grade>
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