Phillip Park Webb Schools 11th Grade
In an increasingly interconnected world, access to reliable and high-speed internet has become a necessity for individuals and small businesses looking to flourish. However, for those residing in rural or isolated areas without physical coverage, this digital divide has posed significant challenges, with the few satellite internet plans available having slow internet connection, making any real-time activities such as zoom calls impossible. Now, enter Starlink: a satellite based internet service that boasts over 100mbps of high-speed, low-latency internet available in over 56 countries. By simply installing a satellite package mailed on demand, many who have not been able to access the internet can now do so at high speeds, allowing for video calls, large downloads, and streaming services.
Traditional internet infrastructure heavily relies on physical cables and infrastructure, making it difficult and costly to expand connectivity to remote rural areas. Starlink, with its constellation of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, bypasses these limitations by providing internet access directly from space. In places such as Australia and Nigeria, where physical landlines are often impractical, Starlink allows those outside of major cities to work online. Even within major cities, with the American housing crisis, many have adapted the “vanlife”, where they take up housing in a van. Starlink allows those who live in unstable environments to access the internet wherever they go. Even those camping out in the woods or staying at a cabin for an extended period of time can use Starlink as long as it is available. It fills the need for high speed internet in remote areas.
Its biggest competitor, Huhgsnet, offers a paltry 50mbps, while Starlink can get up to 225mbps, allowing for services otherwise impossible. Even now, many people are on the waitlist for Starlink because demand is high, and there are some issues at peak hours due to the incomplete satellite constellation. However, Starlink has reported that it will have launched all their satellites as early as late 2023, and will be accepting orders for the deep South in the US. They are continuously adding more areas, and even plan on having global mobile phone connection by the end of 2023 as well!
Starlink’s revolutionary satellite internet technology has the potential to bridge the digital divide and transform the lives of millions in rural areas. By providing fast, reliable, and affordable internet access, Starlink enables these communities to unlock new opportunities in education, business, and connections to family and friends. As the deployment of Starlink continues to expand, we can anticipate a future where those in rural areas are no longer disadvantaged by their geographic location but are empowered to thrive in the digital era.
Phillip Park Webb Schools 11th Grade>
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