By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun solidified his control over the ruling Uri Party by bringing two potential presidential candidates into the Cabinet, Wednesday.
Former Uri chairman Chung Dong-young was appointed as unification minister and Kim Geun-tae, who served as its floor leader, was given the job as minister of health and welfare. Rep. Chung Dong-chae, a former journalist who worked as chief of staff for Roh prior to his election, was chosen to head the culture and tourism ministry.
``With Kim and Chung joining the Cabinet, the president can bring the party under control,’’ a Chong Wa Dae official said.
Kim, with a background as a democracy fighter who was put on a death row and Chung, who led the party’s victory in the April 15 general elections, were a constant source of friction which blocked Roh from taking control of the majority party. Their departure means that the party will be put under the control of chairman Shin Ki-nam and floor leader Chun Jung-bae, who seem more respectful of Roh.
From the perspectives of Chung and Kim, their tour of duty in the Cabinet will be a proving ground on whether they have what it takes to get the ruling party’s ticket as a standard bearer in the presidential election due in 2007.
At the same time, Roh, who has signed up as a regular member of the Uri Party, sees himself in an easier position to ask the party to mobilize its forces and push for its legislative agenda.
The three new ministers will also work with Prime Minister Lee Hai-chan, also one of Roh’s allies, who is the top liaison official between Chong Wa Dae and the National Assembly.
Roh showed he feels confident with the reshuffle.
``Although previously I’ve seen many articles thought to have distorted the facts, I believe the reports are correct regarding the prospect of a strong prime minister in Lee,’’ Roh said.
His remark was taken to mean he would throw further weight behind Lee so that he can control the Cabinet and effectively assist the president.
Roh has been in need of a high-powered prime minister in his bid to push for governmental reform since he returned to office after being acquitted from the impeachment motion against him.
Lee also vowed he would do what he can to help the head of state carry out the state administration more smoothly.
``My activities will focus on explaining the government policies to the opposition parties,’’ he said during a meeting with Roh.
But critics said the appointments of relatively inexperienced ministers will bring about negative impacts upon state affairs.
``The naming of Chung, in particular, will adversely affect inter-Korean relations which recently have been riding high,’’ the official said.
He reasoned the unification minister needs in-depth knowledge and experience in dealing with their North Korean counterparts.
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