By Kim Rahn
Staff Reporter
The Seoul Central District Court on Tuesday sentenced Korean-German scholar Song Du-yul to seven years in prison for violating the National Security Law.
``A heavy sentence is inevitable as Song worked as a member of the North Korean ruling Workers Party Politburo and had a bad influence on the countries’ peaceful unification by spreading the Kim Il-sung’s ideology in the South,’’ the court said in the ruling.
Presiding judge Lee Dae-kyong said Song’s Politburo membership is proved by statements from Hwang Jang-yop, former secretary of the North’s ruling party, and former North Korean diplomat Kim Kyong-pil.
Song’s claim that joining the workers’ party was merely a formal procedure to enter the communist country was rejected, as the North extends the party membership only to those faithful to the ideology, the court ruled.
``He provided theoretical basis for Kim Il-sung’s ideology to spread in the South with academic writings and contributions leaning toward the ideology, and helped raise pro-North organizations. Freedom of study and conscience can be limited for national security and order,’’ Lee said.
However, the court acquitted Song on charges of entering North Korea to hold academic meetings, considering that he was not the main organizer and the meetings were legal.
It also found him not guilty on charges of making a silent prayer at a North Korean office in Berlin in July 1997 commemorating Kim Il-sung’s death, as it was done overseas and Song is a foreign national. Another charge of helping pro-North people in South Korea enter the communist country between 1989 and 1999 was also dismissed for lack of evidence.
``It is partly reasonable that he can be judged a victim of a divided country. He came back to the South despite the expected punishment, and the society should acknowledge his academic achievements.’’
``However, we pass down a heavy punishment, as joining the workers’ party is a serious violation of the security law. He has kept denying his activities and shown no regret over his pro-North academic activities,’’ the court said.
Song’s lawyers said they will appeal to a higher court, saying the seven-year sentence is too severe and the ruling didn’t have firm criterion as it found him guilty on academic activities, but acquitted him on the charge of holding academic meetings.
The prosecution, which earlier demanded a 15-years prison term, also opposed the court ruling. It said it can’t accept the not guilty verdict on charge of holding meetings and that the sentence is too light.
Song was indicted on the charges of violating National Security Law by joining the North’s ruling party and working to spread the communist ideology, as well as visiting the country 22 times from 1973 until last year for Kim’s funeral and academic meetings.
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