By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
South Korea and Sweden on Wednesday agreed to work toward developing bilateral relations based on their cooperative relationship over the past 50 years.
President Roh Moo-hyun and visiting Swedish Prime Minister Goran Persson also agreed to closely cooperate in the international community during a summit meeting at Chong Wa Dae.
``The two leaders also exchanged opinions on issues of mutual interest, including the standoff over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, relations with the European Union and social welfare policies,’’ presidential spokesman Yoon Tai-young said.
Roh urged Persson to play a more positive role in helping resolve the North Korean nuclear problem in a peaceful manner to ensure peace on the Korean peninsula while stressing the need for the two nations to expand trade and investment.
Persson expressed hope to expand bilateral relations in the areas of information technology (IT), automobiles, environment and biotechnology.
During a luncheon meeting after the summit talks, Roh pledged Seoul would continue efforts to further enhance ties between the two nations, recalling this year marks the 45th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and the Scandinavian country.
He extended gratitude for the Swedish prime minister’s visit to both Seoul and Pyongyang in May 2001 for the first time as a foreign head of state, thus helping promote reconciliation between the two divided Koreas.
Persson is set to have a breakfast meeting with former President Kim Dae-jung on Thursday and attend a ceremony to receive an honorary doctorate degree at Dankook University.
He will also deliver a speech at Ewha Womans University on security on the Korean peninsula and have a luncheon meeting with a group of business leaders.
Persson earlier pressed to visit both Seoul and Pyongyang but was unable to arrange a visitation schedule with North Korean authorities.
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