By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
The Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) is moving to impeach President Roh Moo-hyun on March 8, unless the head of state makes an official apology by March 7 for his alleged illegal campaign to promote the pro-government Uri Party.
``Unless President Roh makes an apology and vows not to repeat his unconstitutional behavior we will have no choice but to seek his impeachment,’’ party chairman Chough Soon-hyung said.
The majority opposition Grand National Party (GNP) also reached a consensus on the necessity of starting the impeachment process during a party caucus at the National Assembly but stopped short of joining forces with the MDP.
Party floor leader Rep. Hong Sa-duck said, ``We’ve completed all legal considerations over the impeachment. It is our judgment that we should not let President Roh continue with the remaining four years of his presidency.’’
The opposition parties’ move is expected to have serious and wide-ranging repercussions, as their combined Assembly strength could strip Roh of his office should an impeachment be called for.
Many GNP lawmakers maintained a cautious stance on the move to impeach Roh, casting doubt over a successful impeachment of the president.
Additionally, some MDP lawmakers, including Chu Mi-ae and Sul Hoon, have also opposed the impeachment move, saying it would lead to the party’s collapse.
Impeachment of the head of state needs support from more than two-thirds of the total 271 Assembly lawmakers. The opposition GNP and MDP have a combined 209 members, far exceeding the requirement for impeachment.
But eight GNP lawmakers have recently been put behind bars, and some 20 lawmakers who failed to garner GNP support for candidacy in the upcoming April 15 general elections are poised to leave the party en masse.
Many opposition lawmakers also believe the move to impeach Roh will only help the Uri Party to win the Assembly elections, as it will prompt progressive forces and Roh’s supporters to rally behind the embattled president.
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