By Na Jeong-ju
Staff Reporter
The prosecution on Monday summoned Rep. Kim Won-ki of the pro-government Uri Party for questioning as part of its investigation into illegal fundraising during the 2002 presidential race.
Kim, a five-term lawmaker from Chongup, North Cholla Province, faces charges that he took 150 million won in illegal political funds from Seohai Construction Co., a local building firm. Prosecutors said they will request a court warrant for his arrest depending on the outcome of the questioning.
Kim has claimed the money is part of the corporate donations his party amassed in 2002, but prosecutors said some of the checks from Seohai were diverted, and were found in bank accounts owned by Kim’s relatives. Kim is also suspected of illegally financing his party’s district offices in South and North Cholla Provinces in 2002.
Kim had belonged to the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) and led campaigns for then-MDP presidential candidate Roh Moo-hyun when he took the funds. He is one of a dozen pro-Roh lawmakers who defected from the MDP and founded the Uri Party last year.
Several politicians have been under investigation for allegedly taking illegal funds from Seohai and other firms. Rep. Chyung Dai-chul of the Uri Party, another key campaigner for Roh during the presidential poll, was also accused last month of taking 300 million won from the building firm.
In a related development, the prosecution is moving to again arrest Rep. Suh Chung-won of the majority Grand National Party (GNP), who was released from jail earlier last month after being arrested on illegal fundraising suspicions. His arrest prodded the GNP into pushing for a resolution demanding his immediate release, and as soon as the resolution passed, the lawmaker was set free in the face of public outcry.
Suh, then-chairman of the GNP, allegedly took 1 billion won in bonds from Hanwha Group chairman Kim Seung-youn, as part of the GNP’s efforts to collect campaign funds from businesses during the presidential election.
The prosecution said it will take several businessmen to court for their involvement in the illegal donations. Samsung Group executive Lee Hak-soo is likely to face charges for playing a key role in the group’s delivery of 37 billion won to the GNP in 2002.
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