By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun on Thursday unveiled a national development plan that focuses on developing the strategic industries of provinces.
Roh attended the ``Ceremony for the Declaration of a New National Land Strategy for the Northeast Asian Era in Taejon to declare the era of provincial empowerment. ``Localization is the tendency of the times that can’t be reversed and it is indispensable to national development and prosperity.’’
``Through the cooperation and balanced development of the metropolis and its surrounding areas, it is imperative to open a win-win era both for provincial areas as well as Seoul,’’ he said.
Under Roh’s master plan, Chungchong Provinces, which will be home to the country’s administrative capital, will be fostered as a center for the national administration and research and bio industries.
Kyongsang Provinces, where Korea’s largest Pusan port is located, will be a logistical center that will focuse on automotive, shipbuilding and nano industries.
Cholla Provinces are to be developed as frontline base for trade with China.
Kangwon Province and Cheju Island are designated to further develop their tourism resources and the animation industry.
Roh’s plan will have Seoul develop into the ``economic capital’’ of Northeast Asia, Kyonggi Province into a center for electronics and information technology. Inchon, the major port nearest to Seoul, is to evolve into a logistic base to draw foreign investment.
A plan announced by a presidential commission on national development also stresses the integrated development of the regional strategic industries rather than the separate and independent format.
More than 500 of the country’s leaders of were invited to yesterday’s ceremony.
Opposition parties accused Roh of using the ceremony to restore public confidence in the government to help the pro-government Uri Party in the April 15 general elections.
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