By Ryu Jin
Staff Reporter
Rohsamo, a private support group for President Roh Moo-hyun, staged publicity events in major cities across the nation on Tuesday as millions of people began to head for their hometowns ahead of the Lunar New Year’s Day.
Tens of thousands of supporters distributed about 50,000 piggy banks to homeward-bound travelers and locals at the country’s main train stations and express bus terminals asking for public support for Roh.
The massive campaign, however, has stirred up a controversy since some opponents viewed it as an illegal campaigning ahead of the April 15 National Assembly elections.
Rohsamo, a Korean acronym for ``People Who Love Roh Moo-hyun,’’ has stood by the liberal Roh since he was a lawmaker, and played a crucial role in the Dec. 19 presidential election in 2002. They collected pocket money from ordinary citizens through piggy banks to help support Roh’s campaign.
In yesterday’s event, titled ``Please, Let the President Do His Job,’’ the group members tried to publicize Roh’s governing philosophy and his will to reform politics. Rohsamo believes Roh has been harassed by undue attacks and criticism, especially the conservative Grand National Party (GNP) and major newspapers. It sees the upcoming elections as the most important showdown since the 2002 election since Roh could face problems running the country if the ruling party fails to become the largest in the Assembly.
GNP spokesman Rep. Park Jin condemned Rohsamo for staging an illegal campaign ahead of the April elections.
Park urged the National Election Commission (NEC) and the police to block its activities and take punitive measures against those involved.
The NEC, the nation’s central election watchdog, said it sent an official letter warning that activities aimed at slandering or supporting certain candidates or political parties are in violation of the election laws and will not be tolerated.
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