By Ryu Jin
Staff Reporter
Opposition parties on Monday raised their guard against the strengthening alliance between President Roh Moo-hyun and the Uri Party, as the pro-government party’s new chairman, Chung Dong-young, made clear his support for Roh’s plan to use the April 15 general elections as a referendum on his political future.
``It could be regarded that President Roh had regained public confidence if the Uri Party won the most support in the April polls,’’ Chung said after being elected as Uri Party leader at the party’s convention Sunday.
Although Chung took a cautious attitude considering the sensitivity of his suggestion, it drew special attention because it could be seen as one way to test public confidence in the president.
The Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) is trying counter the plan, fearing that a linkup would panic its supporters into voting for Uri Party candidates in the April polls. Roh was elected on the MDP’s ticket, but he left the party last year.
After finding one of his closest aides facing corruption charges, Roh surprised the nation during a news conference last October by stating that he would put his presidency to a confidence vote. The plan created a controversy in the political world and the opposition camps strongly objected to it.
Various ideas have been presented in the past couple of months, but no concrete method for the referendum has so far been agreed upon. Analysts say, however, as the election day draws near one thing is becoming clear _ Roh’s statement was not so much a pledge as a campaign strategy.
Rather than considering the consequences if the Uri Party fail to become No. 1, party officials have been trying to present a confident front to muster as many supporters as possible ahead of the elections.
The party seems to believe the best way to victory is to redraw the political map along the lines of those who support Roh and those who don’t.
For the Uri Party, currently ranked third by number of seats, a party official said it needs to elbow out the MDP and create a two-way race with the majority Grand National Party.
This tactic will likely be given momentum when Roh joins the Uri Party, which is already acting as a virtual ruling party.
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