By Seo Soo-min
Staff Reporter
The government recently conveyed its concerns to China over a state-funded Chinese research project that claims the ancient kingdom of Koguryo was part of ancient China, officials said on Friday. Koreans consider the old kingdom as part of its heritage.
``We have stated our concerns to the Chinese side several times since end of last year through our Beijing embassy that the project’s claims could have negative effects on bilateral relations,’’ said Park Heung-shin, director-general in charge of cultural affairs at the Foreign Affairs-Trade Ministry.
The Chinese side responded by saying that the project is an academic research issue ``out of reach for the government to intervene,’’ he added in a press briefing.
A separate finding by South Korean diplomats in China, too, found that the Beijing government was not masterminding the research as some believe here, but only approved funding for it afterwards.
``We should react to this issue as academic research,’’ Park said.
A group of Chinese historians taking part in the project claimed the ancient Koguryo kingdom, which existed from 37 B.C. to 668 A.D. and stretched from the Korean peninsula into much of northeastern part of present-day China in its heyday, should be incorporated into Chinese history.
Koreans consider Koguryo part of its history because the kingdom, along with two other kingdoms Silla and Paekche, made up the ``three kingdom’’ period and were unified by Silla afterwards.
A North Korean attempt last year to register a complex of Koguryo Tombs in the Pyongyang area as UNESCO world heritage sites had been deferred in a meeting last June. Some believe China may have exerted influence on this move.
``If North Korea makes up for the shortcomings in its initial proposal, the tombs are likely to be recognized for their significance at the ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) meeting in Paris from Jan. 16-18,’’ Park said.
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