2017 is a year characterized by numerous disasters and catastrophes. From hurricanes, tornadoes, an…
[2017-10-09]Korea has existed since the 7th century BCE. They had series of wars, and rebellions both among its…
[2017-10-09]Many people question the US presence in Okinawa, which originated after World War II for a way to p…
[2017-10-09]There has a been a recent rise in mental health awareness, but unfortunately, the stigma around man…
[2017-10-02]False memories, also referred to as pseudo-memories or memory illusions, are misguided recollection…
[2017-10-02]The athlete flew through the air -- spinning, twirling, and flipping. It was a thing of beauty, but…
[2017-10-02]Have you heard about the ICC? Would you like to watch a big match between European teams? You will …
[2017-09-25]Last month, thousands of Americans were displaced from their homes as a devastating Category 4 hurr…
[2017-09-25]It seems as though that the only thing that can stop Chipotle from growing is themselves. On July 2…
[2017-09-25]Juwon Chun Granada Hills Charter High 11th GradeIt is to known to most people that vacations are o…
[2017-09-25]Jiseon Choi Granada Hills Charter High School 11thWith the ever so progressing country we live in,…
[2017-09-25]Try walking around the city of Seoul; You will encounter many feline wanderers around the corners o…
[2017-09-25]Your electricity bill comes in, and your face is overcome with dread at the costly price. This situ…
[2017-09-18]Sarah Choe North High School 12thDescribed as “the land of liberty,” America has long been a symbol…
[2017-09-18]Dog fighting is a form of bloodsport that generally involves two dogs fighting against each other i…
[2017-09-18]FC Barcelona is one of, if not, the best futbol team out there. Being one of the best, there are pl…
[2017-09-18]Even though I‘m an American with no Asian family background, I’ve always been interested in South K…
[2017-09-14]Jordan Dongwon Lee Beverly Hills High School 11th GradeWinston Churchill was regarded as one of the…
[2017-09-11]Jerry Li University High School 11th gradeAfter graduation from the University of Texas, Jordan Spi…
[2017-09-11]Jisoo Ku Jserra Catholic High School 10th GradeSaturday, August 19th, I had a privilege to attend a…
[2017-09-11]사업체 거래는 그동안 정성과 수고로 이루어낸 사업체를 매각하는또한 바이어의 입장에서는 생업이 되어야하는 중요한 거래입니다.많은 경험과 전문 지식 그리고 신뢰감을 느낄수 있는 전문 부동산 에이젠트와 함께 하시는게 많…
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혹시나 해서 글 올려봅니다 ROCK 밴드 에서 MEMBER 찾고있습니다 POSITION :키보드 1st GUITARIST 여성 보컬 색소폰 트럼펫 트롬본 피아노 연주자 음향장비 전문가..기타등등..찾고있습니다 로스…
안녕하세요,19년차 캘리포니아 부동산 브로커 다니엘 장 입니다.▶"HIGH IQ (156 )" 그룹 "US MENSA/멘사"◀ 평생회원 인 다니엘 장이 현재 President / Broker 로운영 중인 미 주류 …
안녕하세요."편안하게 일 잘하는" 주택 사업체 상가 전문 부동산 이 건승 입니다.부동산 팔고 사는일 좀 어렵죠?편안하게 잘 점검하며 여러분의 귀한부동산 거래를 도와 드리겠습니다. 주택 사업체 상가 팔고 사실때 주…
연방정부가 오는 1월5일부터 맨하탄 교통혼잡세 시행을 최종 승인했다. 뉴욕주정부 및 연방정부 등의 승인 절차가 완료되면서 혼잡세 시행의 길이 …
워싱턴한인복지센터(이사장 김진아)가 메디케어 파트D(약 보험) 점검 및 등록기간 동안 지역사회 한인 시니어들을 대상으로 개별 서비스를 제공하고…
일제 강점하 조국 독립운동의 요람이었던 중가주지역의 한인이민 역사와 유적 보존을 위해 활동하고 있는 중가주한인역사연구회의 새 회장에 안유신 …