President Donald Trump’s threat of imposing “tariff bombs” on Mexico and Canada appears to be movin…
[2025-01-27]$5,000 Lucky Red Envelope Giveaway Pechanga lets players get even luckier with the “Lucky Red Envel…
[2025-01-24]Bank of Hope (CEO Kevin Kim) has stepped up to actively support victims of the unprecedented wildfi…
[2025-01-24]The trend of converting vacant office buildings in Downtown Los Angeles into residential housing is…
[2025-01-24]A new massive wildfire broke out on the 22nd in Los Angeles (LA), the largest city in the western U…
[2025-01-23]In 2024, global automakers fiercely competed for dominance in the U.S. auto market, home to 340 mil…
[2025-01-21]On January 20, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th President of the United States, marking the…
[2025-01-21]The U.S. government began cracking down on undocumented immigrants on January 21, the day after Pre…
[2025-01-21]Starting this year, California workers earning less than $63,000 annually will be entitled to 90% o…
[2025-01-20]The Chinese-owned video platform TikTok abruptly halted its service in the U.S. on January 18, just…
[2025-01-20]Donald Trump, who has emphasized “America First” policies, will be inaugurated on January 20th as t…
[2025-01-20]The Pechanga Tribe in Southern California announced today a contribution of $500,000.00 to assist L…
[2025-01-17]Last year, the number of real estate transactions in LA Koreatown remained consistent with the prev…
[2025-01-17]Outgoing President Joe Biden warned of the dangers of power being dangerously concentrated in the h…
[2025-01-17]The Corruption Investigation Office for High-Ranking Officials (CIO) filed an arrest warrant for Pr…
[2025-01-17]The Biden administration has finalized regulations effectively banning the sale of connected vehicl…
[2025-01-16]The insurance losses from the massive wildfires sweeping through Los Angeles are projected to set a…
[2025-01-16]As the wildfire crisis in the LA area enters its ninth day, the Pacific Palisades and nearby region…
[2025-01-16]The Overseas Koreans Agency (Director General Lee Sang-deok) announced on the 15th that it is hosti…
[2025-01-16]With the second Trump administration set to take office in just a week, concerns are mounting over …
[2025-01-15]애틀랜타 여행의 시작! DMKTAXI.com애틀랜타 최고의 온라인 콜택시 서비스!* 24시간 예약 및 결제: 전화상담 예약은 이제 그만! 모바일 & 웹사이트를 통해 언제 어디서든 예약하고 안전하게 결제할 수 있…
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사업체 거래는 그동안 정성과 수고로 이루어낸 사업체를 매각하는또한 바이어의 입장에서는 생업이 되어야하는 중요한 거래입니다.많은 경험과 전문 지식 그리고 신뢰감을 느낄수 있는 전문 부동산 에이젠트와 함께 하시는게 많…
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네바다 라스베가스에서 30대 한인남성이 테슬라 차량 여러 대에 불을 붙이고, 총격을 가해 파괴하는 등의 혐의로 체포돼 충격을 주고 있다.클락카…
도널드 트럼프 대통령이 지난 25일 행정명령을 통해 투표권을 제한한 것에 대해 비영리단체인 아태계투표(APIAVote)가 강력히 반대하고 나섰…
도널드 트럼프 대통령이 내달 2일 각국 대미 관세율과 비관세 장벽을 고려해 책정할 ‘상호관세’ 발표를 앞두고, 고위 참모들에게 더 공세적인 관…