▶ ‘KE Way’ Unveiled to Leap Forward as a Global Network Carrier, Including Purpose and Vision
▶ Chairman Cho Won-tae in Anniversary Speech: “A Focal Point for Our Journey Toward a Unified Goal”

American Regional Headquarters, Korean Air 제공사진
Korean Air marked its 56th anniversary by announcing a new Purpose and Vision, reaffirming its commitment to becoming a global network carrier.
On the 4th, Korean Air held its ‘Boarding Day’ event at the 5th-floor auditorium of its headquarters in Gangseo-gu, Seoul, attended by Hanjin Group Chairman Cho Won-tae and approximately 200 employees. The event was also live-streamed online, allowing employees in Korea and overseas to participate.
During the event, Korean Air introduced its new corporate value system, ‘KE Way,’ which encompasses its unwavering Purpose, new Vision, Mission, and more. This initiative reflects the company’s determination to unite its employees under a shared vision, establish a sustainable management framework, and leap forward as a global network carrier.
The event also featured a candid town hall meeting where Chairman Cho and employees engaged in open dialogue. In this session, Cho reflected on the past 56 years of achievements, transparently shared the company’s future vision and direction, and held a Q&A with employees.
In his anniversary speech, Chairman Cho stated, “As we begin preparations for the full launch of the integrated airline this year, we are introducing a new corporate value system. ‘KE Way’ will serve as the focal point of our journey toward a unified goal and the core that defines Korean Air’s identity.”
New Corporate Value System ‘KE Way’: Aspiring to Be a Trusted and Beloved Airline
Korean Air formed a task force (TF) of employees last year, conducting employee surveys, internal and external environmental analyses, and collaborating with experts to complete the blueprint for this new corporate value system. With Boarding Day as the starting point, the company is embarking on a new challenge.
The company defined its highest-level concept, Purpose, as ‘Connecting for a better world.’ Rooted in Hanjin Group’s founding philosophy of ‘Transportation for the Nation’ (Susongboguk), this Purpose signifies Korean Air’s role as Korea’s flagship carrier and a global airline, connecting customers, society, and the world to create a better future.
The Vision and Mission under this new Purpose embody a strong ambition to transcend Korea and become a global network carrier. The new Vision, ‘To be the world’s most loved airline,’ reflects the company’s resolve to earn global recognition as a trusted and beloved airline by fulfilling social responsibilities and achieving customer satisfaction.
The Mission to achieve this Vision comprises three key aspects:
Beyond Excellence: Maintaining the highest standards in safety, service, and operations
Journey Together: Fostering a corporate culture that prioritizes customers and colleagues
Better Tomorrow: Contributing to global connectivity and sustainable development through social initiatives
Korean Air also established Core Values for employees to embrace and internalize. These Core Values, essential to achieving the new Mission, were selected based on a survey of employees, identifying six common values that garnered the most resonance:
Professional: Demonstrating expertise
Responsible: Fulfilling duties
Caring: Showing respect
Collaborative: Working together
Proactive: Taking initiative
Challenging: Embracing challenges
Based on these, Korean Air has outlined actionable guidelines in the ‘Employee Code of Conduct (KE CoC),’ which will be shared with employees to ensure these future values are realized in the workplace and embedded as the new corporate culture of the integrated Korean Air.
50-Minute Town Hall Meeting: Chairman Cho Highlights Need to Redefine Brand Value and Identity
The town hall meeting lasted approximately 50 minutes, with a wide range of questions covering the integrated Korean Air’s vision, strategies, organizational culture integration, new CI (corporate identity), internal events, and daily operations.
Chairman Cho began by expressing gratitude to employees for their contributions to Korean Air’s challenges and achievements, while sharing his excitement for the innovations ahead. He said, “Through the new corporate value system ‘KE Way,’ I hope Korean Air will establish itself as the world’s most loved airline. I believe in the limitless potential of our employees—the best aviation experts in Korea—who can meet the trust and support of our customers with their capabilities and sense of responsibility.”
Cho also emphasized a gradual, employee-centric integration process based on communication for the launch of the integrated Korean Air. “Organizational culture integration is not something that can happen overnight; it’s a task that requires consistent effort over the long term,” he noted. “We are aware of potential challenges in the integration process with Asiana Airlines and plan to proceed gradually, fully considering the emotions and values of employees from both companies.”
He also addressed the upcoming unveiling of the new CI on the 11th. “As Korean Air stands at the starting point of becoming a true global network carrier, we need to redefine our values and identity to solidify the trust of our customers and employees,” Cho said. “We will soon unveil a new CI reflecting our updated brand value and identity, followed by new uniforms designed to enhance operational efficiency when the integrated Korean Air officially launches.”
Meanwhile, from the 4th to the 10th, Korean Air will host ‘KE Connecting Week,’ an online event to promote the meaning of the new corporate value system and encourage participation from all employees. Through this, the company aims to ensure that every employee recognizes and internalizes its values and vision.
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