▶ Agreement Reached Between LA and OC Chambers of Commerce and Organizing Committee
▶ Up to $2,000 in Support Provided
With just two months left until the 23rd World Korean Business Convention (formerly known as the Korean American Business Convention), where Korean entrepreneurs from around the world will gather, the LA Korean American Chamber of Commerce, the OC Korean American Chamber of Commerce, and the convention organizing committee have agreed to actively collaborate to ensure the success of the event.
During a meeting held at the LA Korean American Chamber of Commerce office, Jeong Dong-wan, President of the LA Korean American Chamber of Commerce; Yun Man, President of the OC Korean American Chamber of Commerce; and Noh Sang-il, Chairman of the World Korean Business Convention Organizing Committee, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation.
Under this agreement, the three organizations will operate a 'California Joint Exhibition Hall' at the World Korean Business Convention to expand participation from Korean businesses in the U.S.
Additionally, to reduce the financial burden on participating businesses, companies selected by the LA and OC Chambers of Commerce will receive $2,000 in booth fee support from each chamber, while covering the remaining $4,000 in system booth production costs themselves. This significantly lowers the financial burden for businesses, as the original booth operation cost of up to $6,000 is now largely subsidized.
The convention will be held from April 17 to 20 at the Gas South Convention Center in Atlanta, offering various programs such as business forums, exhibitions, and investment consultations to strengthen networking and create practical business collaboration opportunities among Korean entrepreneurs worldwide. Notably, this marks the second time the event is being held in the U.S., following the 21st convention in Anaheim in 2023, which was the first time it was held overseas.
Through this convention, Korean entrepreneurs expect to achieve various outcomes, including exploring new markets, attracting investments, and strengthening global partnerships. The event is also expected to further solidify the Korean business ecosystem connecting the U.S., Korea, and other regions.
Companies interested in participating can submit their applications by February 28 through the LA and OC Chambers of Commerce or the convention secretariat. For inquiries, contact the LA Korean American Chamber of Commerce (213-480-1115), the OC Korean American Chamber of Commerce (714-638-1440), or visit the convention website at www.wkbc.us.
<Hwandong Cho>
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