top-10 things you’re thankful for
by Angela Bahng
What is going through your mind at the beginning of 2006? Relieved that Christmas shopping is over? Or are you just getting started with all of those after-Christmas sales? Enjoying the 40-degree weather, or missing the snow? During all of the holiday parties, family togetherness (and stress), and New Year’s resolutions, one thing that we often forget is to remember what we’re thankful for.
One friend inspired me by saying that instead of New Year’s Resolutions (we all make them and we usually break them), why not end the year and start the new one on a good note by listing the top-10 things you’re thankful for? Here are some of the small traditions that make the holidays special for our family.
10. Unexpected, thoughtful, and generous gifts. Some of our top gifts this season include Old Navy pajama pants, mini-massagers from Bed Bath and Beyond, Harry and David gift baskets, and L’Occitane hand lotion.
9. Christmas trees, no matter what the style. Ours has matching silver and white ornaments. We bought a pre-lit one from Frank’s going out of business sale last year, and we couldn’t be happier with it!
8. Waking up at noon, wearing our pajamas all day, and eating breakfast for dinner. Gathering all the kids or meeting old friends and heading to Walker Brothers Pancake House is also a treat.
7. DVD marathons with a bowl of sweet n’ salty kettle corn. Some viewing suggestions from our family to yours: Band of Brothers, 24, or Winter Sonata for the Korean drama fans.
6. Decorating sugar cookies with the entire family while eating chocolate chip ones straight out of the oven.
5. Lighting a Cranberry candle and staying up all night long on New Year’s Eve to reminisce about the year.
4. Setting up the tent in the living room and having a camp-out with our sleeping bags.
3. For my husband--watching his favorite NBA teams and the Chicago Bears play on Christmas day.
2. Special homemade socks knitted with love by our aunt.
1. Health. All it takes is one serious illness in the family to realize how much we have to be thankful for everyday that we live.
Happy New Year from The K-Connection!
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