By Kim Rahn
Staff Reporter
Two days of heavy downpours at the start of the summer rainy season have caused damage to roads and houses in the central part of the nation, forcing more than 80 residents to evacuate.
The rain, which began to fall Sunday, is expected to continue through today, according to the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA).
Heavy rain warnings had been issued in Seoul and the Kyonggi and Kangwon provinces from Sunday until yesterday morning, with several regions including Yangpyong and Hongchon having heavy warning alerts.
The warnings were removed in the afternoon except in Kangwon Province, and strong wind warnings were issued afterward on western and southern coastal areas.
Yangpyong in Kyonggi Province has recorded 360 millimeters of rainfall, while Namyangju has recorded 256 mm, Hoengson in Kangwon Province 214, Hongchon 170, and Seoul 132.
The brick walls of an apartment complex in Koyang, Kyonggi Province, cracked and fell from the rainfall around 5 a.m. yesterday, forcing some 80 residents to evacuate. The city government hurriedly examined the safety of the apartment buildings and conducted reinforcement work.
A 16-year-old girl in Inchon fell down after stepping on a manhole cover in the rain on Sunday. She was transferred to a hospital but died soon thereafter.
Police suspect she received an electric shock from the manhole cover, under which electric wires were buried.
Some 50 houses in Seoul and 40 houses in Pupyong of Inchon and Kuri in Kyonggi Province were inundated from the downpour, flowing backwards with sewage. About 10,000 residents in Kwanak-gu and Mapo-gu suffered from a power failure Sunday night.
Sixty-four domestic flights between Seoul and local airports were also cancelled on Sunday, but operations became normal yesterday with only minor delays. Ferry operations for 13 routes between Inchon and nearby islands were also suspended.
The southern part of the peninsula is forecast to receive more rain today, while the central region will have only clouds.
``The rain will stop by Tuesday, but will resume around Thursday and continue through the weekend,’’ a KMA official said.
The nation is also expected to receive heavy downpours at the beginning of next month due to the rainy spell. The rainy season is forecast to end in late July.
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