By Jung Sung-ki
Staff Reporter
The Government Information Agency said Monday that it will increase online and offline contents of government policies as part of efforts to promote the country’s international profile.
In a briefing session on policy programs at Chong Wa Dae, Kim Chang-ho, minister of the government information agency, said his ministry will set up a taskforce to describe and explain government policies on pending issues, including Dokdo and the East Sea, to the international community. Japan has laid claim to Dokdo in the East Sea
Toward that end, the agency will establish and run two new sections _ ``Good Policy’’ and ``Government Policy Briefing’’ _ on its official Website ( beginning next month, Kim said. An online news service, sponsored by the South Korean Embassy in the United States, will also be launched. Currently, the Korean Overseas Information Service, which is affiliated with the agency, is responsible for overseas promotion.
As part of offline promotion efforts, the agency plans to publish a monthly magazine in English, tentatively named ``Korea Policy Review,’’ in June. The magazine will include analyses of government policies by experts at home and abroad and contributions from renowned columnists.
``The contents of the Web site and the envisaged magazine will be shared to promote government policies abroad more effectively,’’ an agency official told The Korea Times.
He said the magazine will be distributed to opinion leaders abroad, and government agencies and foreign embassies in the country.
The agency also said it plans to hold seminars on government policies and Korean history for foreign residents, such as businessmen, ambassadors and correspondents.
For more professional overseas promotion, the agency will employ civil experts as public relations officials in foreign countries, the official said. Currently, 32 public relations officials for 24 government agencies are working in 19 nations, according to the agency.
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