By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
In a counterattack against the continuing ``McCarthyism’’ offensives, President Roh Moo-hyun on Monday called on the opposition Grand National Party (GNP) to refrain from pushing the ideological issue further.
``I hope they will not raise the issue as source of political contention as it is not suitable for such haggling,’’ Roh said during a meeting with members of the Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts.
He cautioned that the grave (unification-related) issue upon which the nation’s future hangs should not be distorted or inappropriately addressed at the National Assembly, thus leading to division among the people.
Roh’s statement came amid intensifying political strife involving Uri Party lawmaker Lee Chul-woo who allegedly joined North Korea’s Workers’ Party and served as a spy for the North.
``We would not be able to reach reconciliation if the head of state, once democratically elected, is billed as a pro-North Korean force just because he conducts policies lenient on the North,’’ he said.
Chong Wa Dae officials interpreted Roh’s remarks as calling on both ruling and opposition parties to refrain from any further strife over the matter. ``They need to put an end to the McCarthyism dispute and put more focus on the people’s welfare and interest,’’ an official said.
Touching on North Korean issues, Roh expressed regret that the communist nation has remained too isolated from the international community.
``It is very deplorable,’’ he said.
He went on to say that the North has frequently been boycotting inter-Korean dialogue although the South Korean government has been exerting its utmost efforts to help the North save face without undermining its pride.
Roh said his administration will continue to be patient in dealing with North Korea in efforts to ensure peace and stability on the Korean peninsula.
``I think it is not yet the time for us to use a reciprocal approach with North Korea,’’ he said.
He underlined South Korea will, however, not tolerate it if North Korea attempts to threaten the safety of the people and destabilize the current system. ``We have been fully prepared for such a situation,’’ he said.
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