By Yoo Dong-ho
Staff Reporter
South Korean forces deployed in Iraq as part of U.S.-led rehabilitation efforts were put on high alert Monday after the third terror threat in two weeks against the nation.
The threat, issued by an unidentified Iraqi on an Islamic Web site Sunday, urged ``mujahedin (Muslim warriors)’’ to assault South Korean troops in the northern Kurdish-controlled town of Irbil, according to the Defense Ministry.
``The military is carefully analyzing the threat and ordered the Zaytun Unit to keep tight security to guard against possible attacks,’’ Defense Ministry spokesman Brig. Gen. Nam Dae-youn said.
The warning follows a similar threat on Oct. 19 that gave South Korea a seven-day ultimatum to pull its troops out of Iraq.
``It is not immediately known whether or not the statement on the Web site is linked to any Iraqi militant groups, but it is obvious that we are facing a red light,’’ a ministry official said. ``We are not letting down our guard and will use all intelligence channels available.’’
South Korea has 2,800 soldiers in Irbil for peace and rehabilitation work, making it the third-largest contributor to the U.S.-led coalition after the U.S. and Britain. It plans to increase the number to around 3,600.
On Oct. 10, a statement signed by ``al-Qaida’s network in South and East Asia,’’ gave South Korea 14 days to pull its Zaytun Unit out of Iraq or face attacks. It threatened that members of the terror group had already infiltrated Seoul and were counting down to a ``zero hour’’ to launch attacks against South Koreans.
The South Korean contingent is only authorized to stay in Iraq until the end of this year.
To extend its deployment, the Seoul government must get a new approval from the National Assembly, but another outbreak such as the recent hostage situation may seriously worsen public sentiment back home, making it almost impossible for the ministry to lengthen the troops’ stay, analysts argue.
South Korea has already directly experienced Iraqi insurgency. A South Korean hostage was kidnapped and beheaded by an Iraqi insurgent group in June this year, after Seoul refused to bow to demands to halt its troop dispatch.
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