By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun will make official visits to Chile, Brazil and Argentina from Nov. 12 to have summit meetings with South American leaders to discuss issues of mutual interest, including the impasse over the North Korean nuclear program and ways of promoting bilateral economic relations.
During his 12-day trip, Roh will also attend the annual Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum in Santiago, presidential spokesman Kim Jong-min said Thursday.
On the sidelines of the APEC session, Roh will also hold summit talks with U.S. President George W. Bush and leaders of Russia, China and Japan to discuss ways of resolving the North Korean nuclear issue.
Before attending the APEC forum, Roh will first make an official visit to Buenos Aires Nov. 14-16 at the invitation of Argentinean President Nestor Carlos Kirchner.
The two heads of state will discuss means to develop the bilateral relations to a higher level toward the 21st century. Toward that end, they will agree to carry out a joint feasibility study on the possible setup of a free trade agreement between the South Korea and the South American common market of Mercosur, Kim said.
The summit talk will also address ways to promote bilateral cooperation in information technology, agriculture, energy and natural resources development.
On the second leg of his South American tour, Roh will make a state visit to Brasilia Nov. 16-18 to have a summit meeting with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to seek support for South Korea’s effort to join the Inter-American Development Bank and South Korean firms in their bids to make inroads into various infrastructure projects in Brazil.
Brazil is among the so-called BRICs, which refer to the four rapidly emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India and China, which have been regarded as a new locomotive of the global economy.
``Roh’s visit to Brazil will mean the completion of his diplomacy with BRICs,’’ another official said, recalling Roh’s recent visits to Russia in September and India in October following his tour to China last year.
South Korea and Brazil are likely to agree to expand bilateral cooperation for energy and natural resources with Seoul agreeing to establish an IT center in the South American nation to expedite cooperation in the information and science sectors.
In Sao Paulo, Roh will meet with Korean residents and local business leaders there. On the third and last leg, Roh will fly to Santiago on Nov.18 and meet with Chilean President Ricardo Lagos Escobar to review the bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the first such trade agreement South Korea has signed.
Roh will call on the Chilean leader to provide South Korean companies with more chances to make inroads in the nation’s infrastructure.
While attending the APEC session, Roh will explain South Korea’s preparedness to successfully host the APEC forum in 2005 and the country’s support for a global anti-terrorism campaign and enforcement of the multilateral trade system.
On his way home, Roh will stop in Hawaii to talk with ethnic Koreans there on Nov. 23.
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