By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
CHEJU ISLAND - President Roh Moo-hyun said Wednesday it is not the proper time to seek an inter-Korean summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-il as the ongoing talks on the North’s nuclear issue are yet to make substantial progress.
``It is not appropriate for me to expect or urge Chairman Kim Jong-il to make a reciprocal visit to the South,’’ Roh said during a joint press conference after his summit talks with Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on this scenic resort island.
``What is important is whether the envisioned summit will help resolve the impasse over the North Korean nuclear program and improve inter-Korean relations,’’ Roh said.
He went on to say the North Korean leader will also have to consider many factors before any inter-Korean summit, including relations between Pyongyang and Washington.
``A decisive factor in dealing with the matter is the attitude of the United States,’’ he said.
Roh said South Korea will push for encompassing economic cooperation and exchange projects while Japan will normalize its relations with the reclusive nation once the North Korean nuclear standoff is resolved.
Roh also said his administration will not raise past problems with Japan while he is in office, given the need to pursue future-oriented relations between the two nations.
The two leaders agreed to step up efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the standoff over North Korea’s nuclear weapons programs.
They concurred that they must build on the momentum created by June’s six-way talks in Beijing, where participants discussed a package of incentives aimed to persuade the North to abandon its nuclear programs.
Koizumi said the Japanese government would consider providing South Korean citizens with a permanent visa waiver after giving a temporary exemption during the March-September period next year when a world exposition will be held in Japan.
He expressed the hope that Japan will be able to normalize relations with North Korea after the North resolves pending issues related to the suspected development of nuclear devices and missiles and the abduction of Japanese citizens.
``But the envisioned setup of diplomatic relations could be delayed until even after my two-year tenure should the North fail to implement the Pyongyang-Tokyo agreement on May 22 this year,’’ he said.
The two leaders agreed that the normalization of bilateral relations would help promote peace and stability in Northeast Asia, as well as on the Korean peninsula.
The two leaders also agreed to closely cooperate to establish a free trade agreement as early as possible.
The summit meeting was the fifth of its kind since Roh took office in February last year.
The recent third round of six-way talks gave rise to hopes of a breakthrough in the nuclear impasse as participants agreed on the need to provide North Korea with economic assistance and a security guarantee if it takes steps towards dismantling its nuclear programs.
Also discussed was bilateral cooperation in the international community, especially with regard to supporting the interim government in Iraq.
The summit proceeded in a relaxed atmosphere, with the leaders wearing casual clothes without ties to match the warm weather on the holiday island.
Roh and Koizumi vowed to solidify bilateral cooperation ahead of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two nations.
``It is the start of `shuttle’ diplomacy between the two nations which will be expanded to similar summits with leaders in China,’’ a Chong Wa Dae official said.
Under the new diplomatic concept, the leaders are set to visit each other as frequently as possible to deepen friendship and mutual understanding.
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