By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
South Korea will provide North Korea with comprehensive economic assistance once the reclusive North takes steps to resolve the lingering crisis over its nuclear weapons programs, President Roh Moo-hyun pledged on Tuesday.
``If the North Korean nuclear issue is resolved, inter-Korean cooperation will pick up further steam. We have been preparing encompassing and concrete plans towards that end,’’ Roh said while delivering a speech during an international conference marking the 4th inter-Korean summit held at the Grand Hilton Hotel in Seoul.
The conference was attended by former President Kim Dae-jung and a North Korean delegation led by Ri Jong-hyuk, vice chairman of the North’s Asia Pacific Peace Committee.
Meanwhile, Ri delivered Roh a personal message from North Korean leader Kim Jong-il in which Kim said, South and North Korea should push forward the current amicable atmosphere to greatly improve inter-Korean relations, according to Roh’s spokesman, Yoon Tai-young.
In a brief one-on-one meeting with Ri, Roh responded by saying South and North Korea need to beef up mutual trust in the course of implementing the spirit of the June 15, 2000, South-North Joint Declaration and resolve the North Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner.
Roh vowed the Seoul government would actively cooperate to help the North expand its infrastructure and other industrial facilities as a means of remarkably improving the sluggish economy.
``We will also seek close cooperation from surrounding nations so that the international community will further expand economic exchange with the North,’’ he said.
Describing the June 15 joint declaration as a historical turning point that changed the destiny of the Korean peninsula, Roh said the inter-Korean relations tainted by the half-century-long antagonism has entered the path toward reconciliation and cooperation.
He resolved his government will continue to pursue policies of peace and prosperity toward North Korea, inherited from former President Kim’s sunshine policy of engaging the North, as part of efforts to ensure stability in Northeast Asia, as well as on the Korean peninsula.
Elaborating on the economic aid projects, Seoul officials said the South will help the North in building energy, transportation, telecommunications, industrial parks and modernizing production equipment.
South, North Korea, the United States, China, Russia and Japan are engaging in crucial talks to persuade the North to rescind its alleged nuclear weapons program in exchange for a security guarantee and economic assistance.
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