By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun on Monday said his administration would step up efforts to root out corruption and speed up governmental reform to help the nation make progress in the economy and other sectors.
He also appealed to the National Assembly to join efforts in pressing for reform in the mass media and the political arena during an address to mark the opening of the 17th Assembly.
On March 12, opposition parties collaborated for a two-third majority to pass an impeachment motion against Roh. However, Roh on Monday spoke to an Assembly now under the control of the ruling Uri Party that won 152 of 299 seats in the April 15 general elections. Due to the changed makeup, Roh received repeated rounds of applause during his 20-minute speech.
``It is necessary to push forward with a drive to root out corruption that achieves more than superficial success. We will take the time to move with that purpose while maintaining a firm principle,’’ Roh said.
Touching on the prosecution’s investigation into a series of slush fund scandals involving major political figures, he said the probe has greatly contributed to enhancing the transparency of political funds.
``Given this background, there will be no more improper collusive ties between political power and business people in the future,’’ he noted.
He vowed to make efforts to renovate the government in order to establish world-class standards with high efficiency and the deep trust of the people.
Wary of the growing concern over the staggering national economy, the head of state devoted a large portion of his speech to explaining government policies on economic issues.
Roh said he would not return to the era of ``emperor-like’’ presidency in which the head of state exercised huge influence in almost all sectors.
``The president is supposed to exercise only due power within the legal framework and that it the way to achieve a more democratic and effective nation,’’ he said.
Regarding the issue of non-regular workers, Roh said the government would try to raise their wages and job security while maintaining required flexibility in the labor market.
Business circles have been complaining that benevolent labor policies have been harming the economic situation by lowering investment sentiment among both domestic and foreign companies.
After delivering the address, Roh met with a group of political leaders of the Assembly including House Speaker Kim One-ki, Grand National Party chairwoman Park Geun-hye, and floor leader Kim Deog-ryong, having resolved to seek the realization of the politics of harmony and coexistence.
``I will visit the National Assembly as frequently as possible to explain government policies on major issues,’’ he said.
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