By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun’s expected appointment of former South Kyongsang Province governor Kim Hyuck-kyu is facing opposition not only from the opposition parties but also from some of the ruling party members.
Opposition parties on Thursday continued to press Roh to rescind his plan while an increasing number of Roh’s ruling Uri Party lawmakers have begun to oppose Kim as the prime minister.
Experts worry that with the growing partisan strife Roh’s much-touted motto towards a mutually viable and harmonious politics will face a serious setback.
Despite a looming catastrophic scenario, Roh is poised to press for his nomination of Kim immediately after the June 5 mayoral and gubernatorial elections.
The major opposition parties - Grand National Party, the Democratic Labor Party and the Millennium Democratic Party – are now set to join forces in intensively grilling Kim during the hearing session at the incoming 17th National Assembly.
Uri Party chairman Shin Ki-nam yesterday resolved the party would press ahead with the plan to designate Kim as the new premier during an extended meeting of party executive members.
``It is not proper to raise the opposition and we will not change our stance just because of the opposition,’’ he said.
He went to say that the ruling camp would not be able to conduct any reform program once it hesitates due to the resistance from the opposition parties.
Party floor leader Chon Jung-bae also cited the need to respect the head of state’s rights toward personnel administration by saying, ``It is not proper to oppose a certain figure in advance before conducting the hearings.’’
Earlier, Roh’s secretary for press relations Lee Byung-wan acknowledged Kim had been the most promising candidate for the premiership.
In response, the GNP secretary general Kim Hyung-oh claimed the ruling camp was attempting to designate Kim, describing him as inappropriate for the post due to lack of expertness and proper morality.
He called on Kim to voluntarily give up the premiership.
The progressive Democratic Labor Party urged Roh to back down from his plan to name Kim. ``Roh should appoint a new candidate among reformative figures although it will take more time.’’
Adding to the Uri Party leaders’ dilemma, a group of reformative lawmakers began to raise their opposition to the move to name Kim.
Ahn recalled the fact Roh had promised last year he would provide the largest party with chances to recommend a candidate for the post of prime minister. ``Former governor Kim should wisely judge in order to ensure a win-win politics.’’
Another lawmaker hailing from southwestern Cholla Province asked Kim to step back in order to lessen burden on President Roh.
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