President at Center of Escalating Political Commotion Again
By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
The recent confusion surrounding the looming Cabinet reshuffle is considered further evidence of the amateurism that has been disrupting President Roh Moo-hyun’s administration.
Fresh from the acquittal from the unprecedented presidential impeachment, Roh vowed to strive to lead the administration in a stable manner without causing any commotion.
Tired of the persistent muddles due chiefly to a lack of ability among Roh and his staffers, people are now eager to see affairs conducted smoothly and harmoniously without the constant bickering.
But despite the growing expectation for professionalism, Roh and Chong Wa Dae have again caused disappointment with their coarse and amateurish way of conducting state affairs.
``In the process of pressing for a Cabinet shakeup, Roh has ignored the Constitutional Court’s admonishment to abide by principle and the law,’’ Kim Sang-woo, a professor at Kyung Hee University, told The Korea Times.
He was referring to Roh’s pressure on outgoing Prime minister Goh Kun to give recommendations for a plan to replace three ministers, in defiance of the constitutional principle of protecting the rights of the current, not outgoing, prime minister in this regard.
The usually reticent opposition leader Park Geun-hye of the Grand National Party opened fire on Roh in connection with his administrative style. ``The recent brawl over the Cabinet shakeup has been due to the president’s ignorance of the law and normal process,’’ she said.
The progressive Democratic Labor Party also shifted its attitude, joining the attack on the head of state. ``Roh attempted to undermine Prime Minister Goh’s rights by not informing him of the Cabinet shuffle in advance,’’ party vice spokeswoman Kim Sung-hee said.
Earlier, Chong Wa Dae had planned to replace five to six ministers after the verdict on the impeachment was delivered, mainly affecting those who have been in office since Roh’s inauguration in February last year.
But the plan has faced setbacks due to the need to appoint Uri Party former chairman Chung Dong-young and former floor leader Kim Geun-tae to major Cabinet posts.
In the process, the two stalwarts engaged in a behind-the-scene struggle to grab the post of unification minister in preparation for the race for the next presidential nomination of the large ruling party.
Given this background, there has been growing confusion within the Cabinet as the relevant ministries keenly focus on the looming shakeup.
The embarrassed head of state attempted to speed up the Cabinet shuffle affecting the three ministries of unification, culture and welfare.
But he did not give any reason for the replacement of the ministers, nor did he inform Prime Minister Goh Kun of the shakeup plan, even though the prime minister has the right to present recommendations.
``Although he has been advocating participatory and democratic methods, Roh’s manner of conducting state affairs reminds us of those employed by past dictatorial leaders,’’ Kim said.
Goh has expressed his displeasure, indicating he would resign as planned. He has even defied Chong Wa Dae’s repeated calls for him to exercise his recommendation rights by saying it is not appropriate for an outgoing prime minister to do so as it goes against constitutional principle.
Despite the difficult situation, Chong Wa Dae officials have maintained a lukewarm attitude, apparently believing outgoing Prime Minister Goh would eventually endorse the planned reshuffle.
Presidential chief of staff Kim Woo-sik paid two calls on Goh to persuade him to approve the shakeup but to no avail.
Roh has been criticized for not contacting Goh directly regarding the matter.
Some presidential staffers have tried to blame the mass media in connection with the lingering confusion over the Cabinet shuffle.
``The press has been exaggerating the problem, even though the head of state is entitled to exercise his rights in personnel administration,’’ a senior presidential secretary said.
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