Roh to Join Uri Party After Resolution of Impeachment Case
By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun on Wednesday said he would join the pro-government Uri Party, once the presidential impeachment motion is cleared through the Constitutional Court.
But the head of state will join the party as an ordinary member, not taking any leadership roles to maintain the principle of separating state administration from party affairs.
Roh said this during a dinner meeting with a group of Uri Party members at Chong Wa Dae to celebrate the party’s victory in the April 15 general elections, according to presidential spokesman Yoon Tai-young.
Sources say irrespective of his disclaimer, it will greatly affect the direction of party operations, political reform and the power structure within the ruling camp.
``The president will take part in party affairs as a responsible member but will refrain from engaging in activities such as naming party post holders, nominating candidates and pursuing party leadership,’’ Yoon said during a media briefing on the outcome of the meeting.
The Uri Party garnered a majority in the parliamentary polls and will emerge as the ruling party.
Roh has been unaffiliated to any party since he quit the Millennium Democratic Party Sept. 29 last year.
Roh also stressed the need to reinforce solidarity among party members, vowing he would exert all possible efforts and influence toward that end.
``The president put first emphasis on tackling pending issues including the sluggish economy and dispatch of troops to Iraq based on solid support from the party,’’ Yoon said.
Roh also renewed his pledge to focus on enhancing peaceful and mutually beneficial politics through dialogue with the opposition parties.
Regarding the timing of Roh’s entry into the party, Yoon said Chong Wa Dae will wait until the Constitutional Court makes its final decision if the parties fail to make political compromises.
The Uri Party had touted the Grand National Party (GNP) to discuss the political settlement of Roh’s impeachment motion, only to be rebuffed by the first opposition party, which cited the need to wait until the court’s final judgment.
The Uri Party has asserted that their victory in the legislative polls should be interpreted as the people’s approval of Roh as head of state and the impeachment motion, initiated by the opposition parties, should be overturned.
Participants in the meeting included Uri Party chairman Chung Dong-young, floor leader Kim Geun-tae, co-campaign chiefs Kim Hyuck-kyu, Han Myong-sook, and Kim Jin-ae, and Reps. Shin Ki-nam, Kim Won-ki, and Moon Hee-sang.
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