By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
In his first announced meeting since he was impeached last month, President Roh Moo-hyun will host a dinner for a group of senior members of the ruling Uri Party at Chong Wa Dae on Wednesday.
Although Wednesday’s meeting is explained as an occasion to celebrate Uri’s stunning victory in last week’s general elections, it is believed that Roh and the Uri leadership will exchange opinions as to how to reshape the post-election political landscape. Likely to be top on their agenda are the formation of the Cabinet and the timing of Roh joining the ruling party.
Sources say the head of state is bracing for the possible acquittal of his impeachment motion now being deliberated by the Constitutional Court. The post-election polls show that people regard Uri’s acquisition of a majority in the general elections as a vote of confidence on Roh, which is expected to influence the court’s ruling.
To be on hand at tonight’s function are 18 Uri Party members including chairman Chung Dong-young, floor leader Kim Geun-tae, and co-chief campaigners Kim Hyuck-kyu, Han Myong-sook and Kim Jin-ae, Chong Wa Dae spokesman Yoon Tai-young told reporters.
Roh has invited Uri members to Chong Wa Dae since the March 12 passage of an impeachment motion against him but the gatherings had been informal and unannounced.
He met Chung April 15 and Kim Hyuck-kyu, former governor of South Kyongsang Province, on April 16. Kim is widely regarded as a frontrunner to being the next prime minister.
He also met with his political mentor Kim Won-ki and his former secretaries Moon Hee-sang and Yoo In-tae last Saturday, to congratulate their elections victories and discuss pending issues.
Roh had an in-depth talk with Kim Geun-tae over dinner Monday, leading the group of Uri Party lawmakers with his experience of democracy struggles under the past authoritarian regimes.
Yoo quoted Roh as having expressed his intention to strengthen solidarity within the party and have broad dialogue with the opposition parties to realize the ``harmonious politics.’’
Roh revealed his satisfaction over the outcome of the legislative polls and put special meaning on the party’s laying the ground to break the regional antagonism in the southeastern Kyongsang Province although it failed to reap good fruits, according to Kim Hyuck-kyu.
``The president said it would be better for the Uri Party to field candidates for the upcoming election of South Kyongsang Province governor,’’ he said.
Roh has been eager to highlight the role of Chong Wa Dae as the center of the national administration despite the unprecedented presidential impeachment.
Uri Party has been elated by the election result and there has been wide urge that the party should take the leading role in the state affairs.
``Roh is now focusing on mediating among different factions within the party,’’ a Chong Wa Dae official said.
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