By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun on Wednesday said he would regard the outcome of the general elections in April as an interim assessment on his performance as head of state.
``The people’s judgment on me and my government will be reflected in the number of Assembly seats. I will consider it as an assessment of my presidency,’’ Roh told a group of journalists based in Kyonggi Province and Inchon City at Chong Wa Dae.
Roh earlier cited the need to use the elections as a chance to ask the people whether they trust him as head of state.
``I cannot definitely say that I would link the election outcome to my presidency. But I will humbly accept the result,’’ he said.
The opposition parties have been resisting Roh’s plan to stake his presidency on the outcome of the election, for fear it would bolster Roh and the Uri Party in picking up momentum ahead of the elections.
Last year, Roh promised he would hold a national referendum sometime in mid-December to gauge the people’s confidence in him as head of state.
Concerning the timing of his entering the pro-government Uri Party, Roh said he would postpone his entry to the extent that it is possible.
``Early entrance will push me into the center of political haggling, intensifying the people’s anxiety. I would like to focus on recovering the national economy and stabilizing the people’s livelihood before the legislative polls,’’ he said.
On the relocation of U.S. forces out of Seoul, Roh said the decision has been very appropriate for both South Korea and the United States. ``Our armed forces are equipped with enough capacity to deter military provocation from North Korea, with assistance from the U.S.,’’ he said.
He said it was fortunate that the U.S. would voluntarily move its troops to the nation’s southern area because it is in line with its global security strategy. ``The USFK will remain stronger militarily (despite the relocation) so there will be no security problem here,’’ Roh added.
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