By Ryu Jin
Staff Reporter
Opposition leader Choe Byung-yul on Tuesday called on Lee Hoi-chang to accept full responsibility for the current crisis facing the Grand National Party (GNP), arguing that the current situation is a direct result of the illegal fundraising activities during Lee’s failed 2002 presidential campaign.
But his attempt to draw a line between himself and Lee ahead of the April general elections may backfire, as the move seems only to be drawing even stronger criticism toward the current GNP chairman. Many are claiming that he is just passing the buck instead introducing real solutions to the crisis.
Choe made the remarks during a forum with the country’s senior journalists, declaring what he called a clear departure from corrupt politics.
He claimed that Lee is at the heart of the illegal fundraising scandal that has caused so many headaches for the opposition party and, therefore, there is no one but Lee who can get the party out of the mess.
``He said he would bear complete responsibility and go to the prison if necessary. The time seems right for him to take action,’’ Choe said.
The prosecution has been investigating the illegal fundraising scandal, involving both Lee’s camp and President Roh Moo-hyun’s, since late last year. So far, the GNP has been found to have collected and used more than 75 billion won ($65 million), while the Roh camp obtained only about 9 billion won ($7.7 million).
The now retired Lee and incumbent chairman Choe have made several apologies before the people for the illegal campaign financing, but public anger has shown no signs of dissipating.
The party’s predicament worsened when the current leadership showed poor management skills in dealing with a couple of crucial issues in the Assembly in recent weeks. Choe and other senior officials received heavy public criticism for manipulating the passage of an Assembly resolution calling for the release of Rep. Suh Chung-won, Choe’s predecessor and Lee’s top campaign strategist.
Reformist leaders in the opposition party, who expected for a more repentant attitude from the chairman, voiced dissatisfaction with his efforts to part with the former leadership.
``Choe is only passing the buck, without any sincere effort to resolve the crisis,’’ a party official said.
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