By Seo Soo-min
Staff Reporter
Foreign Affairs-Trade Minister Ban Ki-moon said on Thursday South Korea is willing to provide incentives for the North if it agrees to a nuclear freeze leading to the eventual dismantlement of its nuclear weapons program.
``A nuclear freeze alone (as mentioned by the North) is not enough, but if that is a short stage leading towards the elimination of the nuclear programs and is accompanied by verification, we are willing to take positive corresponding measures,’’ Ban said.
``We are willing to guarantee North Korea’s security and provide energy and other economic assistance,’’ he said at a seminar organized by the Kwanhun Club, an organization of senior journalists.
North Korea agreed Tuesday to participate in a second round of six-way talks aimed at resolving the nuclear dispute on Feb. 25 in Beijing.
The foreign minister’s words indicate more flexibility by South Korea, which closely consults on its strategy for talks with the United States and Japan. The talks will also be attended by Russia and China.
The U.S. and its allies have said that a ``complete, verifiable, and irreversible’’ dismantlement of North Korea’s nuclear program is their ultimate objective.
North Korea indicated the possibility of accepting such terms during a meeting of Australian diplomats to Pyongyang last weekend.
``(North Korean vice foreign minister Kim Yong-il) also confirmed that North Korea’s offer to `freeze’ its nuclear activities in return for certain `reciprocal measures’ was only the first step in a process which would lead to the eventual dismantlement of its nuclear weapons program,’’ Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said.
Ban expressed optimism ahead of the second six-way talks. ``I expect more concrete and practical debate to take place at the second talks compared to the first ones,’’ he said in the speech. The first six-way meeting from Aug. 27 to 29 last year ended without a joint statement.
The minister also said moving the U.S. forces’ headquarters out of the current Yongsan Garrison in Seoul will not cause a security vacuum.
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