By Seo Soo-min
Staff Reporter
Prime Minister Goh Kun said on Friday he will step down after the April 15 general elections.
``As I mentioned before, I am thinking of resigning after the April general elections,’’ he said during a press meeting.
``Whether the pro-government Uri Party comes up first or second in the elections will not affect the decision,’’ he said.
The prime minister recalled that he had asked President Roh Moo-hyun to relieve him of his post after the president mentioned a national referendum to appeal for the people’s confidence in him late last year.
But President Roh declined Goh’s request, calling on him to continue on in his post to help stabilize state affairs and to ensure a smooth running of the April legislative polls.
The prime minister is next in line to the president in case the head of state becomes unable to carry out his duty.
Goh also said that a merger of the Uri Party and the Millennium Democratic Party after the general election is unlikely.
The prime minister forecast MDP chairman Chough Soon-hyung may have a chance of winning the election in Taegu, a stronghold of the opposition Grand National Party (GNP).
``Taegu has a very high level of political awareness,’’ Goh said. ``But if running for the office is considered mere political showoff, it may be difficult to win support from the citizens.’’
Goh’s remark came when a number of cabinet members are considering resigning to run in the April general elections.
The Uri Party is currently the third largest party in the National Assembly with only 46 seats compared to the GNP’s 149.
Goh went on to say the government cannot scrap its plans to build a nuclear waste storage site at Wido even if the locals vote no in a poll proposed by a coalition of civic groups.
``The government cannot accept the result of such a vote being held in this unilateral atmosphere,’’ Goh said regarding the voting to be held Feb. 14.
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