By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun on Friday named Kwon Chin-ho, former deputy head of the National Intelligence Service (NIS), as his new national security adviser, replacing Ra Jong-yil.
Presidential spokesman Yoon Tai-young explained Ra tendered his resignation and Roh accepted it, although he failed to offer a detailed explanation.
Roh also accepted the resignation of his advisor for national defense, Kim Hee-sang, and replaced him with Yoon Kwang-ung, head of the Emergency Planning Committee.
Ra’s standing had been weakened as his deputy Lee Jong-seok, who advocated a policy of bringing balance to the Seoul-Washington relationship, directly reported to Roh without going through Ra on matters related to national security and foreign affairs, according to Chong Wa Dae insiders. Kim was regarded as too conservative for Roh’s taste. The shakeup completed a change of senior foreign affairs and national security advisors for Roh, which was triggered by the resignation of Yoon Young-kwan as foreign affairs and trade minister. Ban Ki-moon, Roh’s inaugural foreign affairs advisor succeeded Yoon.
In a shakeup of the presidential staffers, bioengineering professor Park Ky-young of Sunchon National University was named presidential advisor for science and technology to replace Kim Tai-yoo who moved to Seoul National University. Park is also the first woman to be named a presidential advisor.
Yoon said Ra and Kim will assume important posts after leaving the presidential office but declined to elaborate.
Ra would be named as ambassador to Japan, sources said.
Regarding the naming of Kwon, Yoon cited his career in security and international affairs while serving as the NIS official and an army commander.
``Kwon is well-versed in the area of security strategies and has an international mind with effective command of foreign languages like English and French,’’ Yoon said.
``We expect Kwon to do a good job supporting the president on national security issues based on his comprehensive knowledge and experience on security, foreign and unification affairs,’’ Yoon added.
Touching upon the appointment of Yoon, Chong Wa Dae expressed hope that he will also properly back the head of state on defense policies including the vital alliance with the United States, in particular, with his wealth of experience and expertise.
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