By Seo Soo-min
Staff Reporter
The two Koreas on Thursday forged an accord on a set of measures to guarantee the safety of South Koreans who visit the North for business and tourism.
Officials from the two sides reached the agreement at the end of three days of talks in the North Korean border town of Kaesong.
As part of the deal, North Korea agreed to hand over South Koreans charged with crimes at the Mt. Kumgang Tourism Complex or Kaesong Industrial Complex.
``This means in principle South Koreans will not undergo a trial in a North Korean court for violations of laws there,’’ Vice Unification Minister Cho Kun-shik said.
This does not necessarily mean they would be exempt from punishment in the South, he added.
However the officials from South and North Korea have failed to agree on how to deal with South Koreans who committed felonies such as murder or rape, he added.
The accord, which is to be officially signed at the 13th inter-Korean ministerial talks in Seoul next week, will help boost overall inter-Korean relations.
``I think the accord will ease the psychological burden of South Koreans wanting to do business in the North, as they will not face trial in a North Korean court,’’ Cho said.
During the negotiations North Korea gave up its insistence on retaining jurisdiction of all South Korean criminals on grounds of sovereignty, he pointed out.
The accord also enables South Koreans to receive assistance from a South Korean lawyer while being investigated for crimes by North Korean authorities.
In addition, South Koreans wishing to stay in North Korea for more than eight days at Mt. Kumgang or Kaesong must also register with the authorities there. Long-term stays of more than 90 days require a more detailed registration.
The Koreas, however, yesterday failed to reach an accord at a separate meeting on account clearance, also held in Kaesong, due to differences on interest rates and credit limit.
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