By Yoo Dong-ho
Staff Reporter
The pro-government Uri Party’s new chairman, Chung Dong-young, on Thursday proposed a truce to political wrangling until there is tangible progress in the government’s efforts to tackle unemployment and public welfare issues.
In his inaugural news conference with local and foreign media, Chung said, ``I would like to strongly call on the opposition parties to be part of our efforts in stabilizing the livelihood of the people and pursuing political reform.’’
``On top of the much-touted political reform, another important task we must fulfill is creating more jobs. I will urge the government to take the lead in creating employment for the people,’’ Chung said.
Chung’s speech came two days after President Roh Moo-hyun focused his New Year’s news conference on ways to lift the sagging economy and enhance the livelihood of people in general.
``I will promptly listen to people from every walk of life with the swiftness of a Mongolian cavalry,’’ the de facto ruling party’s newly elected chairman said.
Throwing his weight behind the head of state, Chung also vowed to support the government-led political reform by fighting against opposition forces’ bid to hamper the progressive drive.
Touching upon his stance on inter-Korean relations, Chung said he would help the government pursue a policy of peace and prosperity, adding, ``It is one step ahead of former president Kim Dae-jung’s `sunshine’ policy of reconciliation and cooperation.’’
Majority Grand National Party spokesman Park Jin downplayed Chung’s speech, saying, ``Chung should focus on straightforward tactics instead of coming up with such trick proposals.’’
Millennium Democratic Party spokesman Yoo Jong-pil echoed the sentiment. ``The Uri Party and President Roh are brazen-faced about their own wrongdoings. It is they who should stop the time-wasting politics of indulging in political brawls,’’ he said.
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