By Ryu Jin
Staff Reporter
The National Assembly failed again to ratify South Korea’s free trade agreement (FTA) with Chile on Thursday due to fierce protests by some lawmakers from rural districts who occupied the Assembly rostrum to block normal proceedings. House Speaker Park Kwan-yong adjourned the session and declared the next vote on the bill will be made on Feb. 9.
President Roh Moo-hyun made a rare visit to the Assembly in the morning to ask for its cooperation on the matter. It is the first time a South Korean president has visited the Assembly for policy coordination on a particular issue.
While meeting Park and top leaders of major political parties, Roh asked for cooperation for a smooth ratification of the FTA, which he said will serve the nation’s economic interests.
Despite the president’s call, however, the Assembly couldn’t put the FTA to a vote.
A first for Korea, the ROK-Chile FTA was expected to set a significant precedent for the nation’s trade dealings with other Pacific Rim countries. If ratified, it will remove tariffs on two-thirds of Korean exports including farm products and virtually all of those on Chilean-manufactured goods and agricultural products.
Advocates hoped the agreement would pave the way for the nation’s manufactured goods, automobiles in particular, to overtake Japanese models in the Chilean market. But opponents said it is all but certain to cause serious damage to Korean farming households.
The legislative action on Thursday faced strong objection from farmers across the country as well as some lawmakers hailing from agricultural districts. Thousands of angry farmers held protest rallies in front of the Assembly building in Yoido while legislators from rural areas were trying to block the floor vote inside.
As the dissenting lawmakers kept filibustering late into the afternoon, Speaker Park decided to delay the vote once more, but for the last time. He suggested the ratification be postponed until next month on the premise that they do not block the balloting next time.
``You will see the floor vote held on Feb. 9 without fail,’’ Park said. ``I shall mobilize Police in Assembly in case it ends up blocked like today.’’
Major parties, including the majority Grand National Party, maintained a cautious attitude, wary of a possible backlash from voters in rural areas ahead of the April 15 general election. The Assembly twice tried to deal with the free trade accord last month, but failed to put it to a vote due to protesting legislators.
Once put to a vote, the FTA is highly likely to get endorsement since supporters outnumber opponents in the unicameral legislature.
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