By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun on Tuesday asked representatives of farmers’ organizations to support the free trade agreement (FTA) with Chile the government is pushing for.
``Openness has become an irreversible trend. The rejection of FTA will result in serious consequences. It will undermine the national economy and cause the nation to lose credit in the international community,’’ Roh said during a luncheon meeting with farmers at Chong Wa Dae.
The president stressed FTA is vital for the nation, because its economy heavily depends on trade.
Roh emphasized the need for the National Assembly to pass the FTA bill through the plenary session by Jan. 8. The Assembly tried to pass the bill late last year, but lawmakers representing rural areas resisted it.
In response, the farmers asked Roh to reconsider the FTA with Chile, saying it would evoke considerable damage on the nation’s domestic agricultural industry.
After the luncheon meeting, a Chong Wa Dae official said, “Roh responded by saying their demand could not be accepted and appealed for their understanding.’’
Roh was furgther quoted as saying the government would press forward with agricultural reform, in addition to endorsing the free trade pact at the plenary session.
He said reform measures will focus on improving the distribution of agricultural products and enhancing the productivity of farming households.
The farmers’ representatives cited the need to resolve the debt problems in rural areas, noting each household is in debt of some 100 million won.
Roh pledged his government would fully cooperate with the farm organizations in pressing for the agricultural reform.
Roh also said his government program toward population decentralization is one of his administrative efforts to enhance the living standards of the farming community.
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