Claim Prosecutors Misled Public on Roh’s Role
By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
Chong Wa Dae said on Tuesday they disapproved of the way prosecutors were handling investigations into allegations over President Roh Moo-hyun’s role in illegal fundraising during last year’s presidential election.
``Despite our repeated requests that they refrain from arbitrary interpretations of allegations, I believe that prosecutors made public their findings as if they were proven in the court of law,’’ Moon Jae-in, Roh’s top legal advisor, said in a news conference. ``This we feel strong regret over.’’
Chong Wa Dae’s rebuttal came the day after they concluded that Roh was aware of illegal fundraising activities and other shady land deals, greatly damaging Roh’s moral credibility. It also marks a complete departure from the presidential office’s stance that it respects prosecutors under any circumstances.
Moon went point by point in his rebuttal of prosecutors’ findings, arguing that in May Roh himself revealed details on the land deal with one of his financial backers. ``It is beyond my range of comprehension to turn this well-publicized deal into an cover-up attempt.’’
In a briefing, Lee Byung-wan, Presidential Secretary for Public Information, joined Moon in criticizing the prosecutors to force investigations at the request of the majority Grand National Party.’’
Chong Wa Dae’s response is expected to have a significant impact upon the political circle and the prosecution investigation. The opposition parties on Tuesday went all out in attacking the presidential office for ``trying to influence the ongoing investigation.’’
Lee continued to allege that the prosecution has been making announcements in a excessively definite manner without juristic judgment.
``We are impressed that the world has changed remarkably after the prosecution undauntedly announced conclusions related to the president. This could be one of the major achievements of the participatory government, which has been pursuing political neutrality of the prosecution,’’ he said.
``But it is not proper for the prosecution to continue the probe in such excessive way,’’ he said.
Chong Wa Dae’s civil affairs bureau also issued a statement denouncing the prosecution investigation.
The officials also criticized some major daily papers for their coverage of President Roh. The media has emphasized that Roh new about illegal campaign funding, before it has been confirmed, they said.
Chong Wa Dae continued to allege the campaign money Roh’s camp accepted during the presidential campaign is minimal compared with the largess of funds collected by the opposition Grand National Party.
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