By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun will conduct a reshuffle and reorganize his Chong Wa Dae staff early next week, with the reshuffle affecting three to six Cabinet ministers, a presidential aides said on Friday.
``The reshuffles are intended to allow them to run for the general elections slated for April next year as well as to inject vigor into the administration,’’ said a senior presidential aide.
The Chong Wa Dae reorganization will also see some presidential secretaries leave the presidential office for the April Assembly elections.
The Cabinet reshuffle was originally slated to take place after the next year’s budget bill is passed through the National Assembly.
``But we will press forward with the shakeup now as the prospects for the budget bill’s passage at the Assembly has become uncertain,’’ the official said.
At least three top presidential aides _ Chung Chan-yong (in charge of personnel affairs), political advisor Yoo In-tae and Park Joo-hyun, are said to be on their way out.
Chong Wa Dae officials said top policy planning officers Lee Jeong-woo and Kwon O-kyu may be allowed to leave the presidential secretariat to run for the April elections.
During an interview with a group of journalists on Wednesday, Roh said that he would not prevent Cabinet members and Chong Wa Dae officials from running in the elections if they want.
Roh is, however, likely to retain Prime Minister Goh Kun, Deputy Premier-Finance and Economy Minister Kim Jin-pyo and Justice Minister Kang Kum-sil.
Deputy Premier and Education and Human Resources Development Minister Yoon Deok-hong has already tendered his resignations. Health and Welfare Minister Kim Hwa-joong, Labor Minister Choi Jong-chan and Construction and Transportation Minister Choi Jong-chan will likely follow suit.
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