By Na Jeong-ju
Staff Reporter
The prosecution is taking a cautious approach on whether to investigate President Roh Moo-hyun after he on Tuesday expressed his willingness to cooperate with the ongoing probe into illegal fundraising by political parties during last year’s presidential election campaign.
Moon Hyo-man, senior prosecutor at the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office, said investigators will watch closely how the current inquiries play out before finalizing their position.
``It is too early to make a decision on this matter,’’ he said, hinting that the prosecution is in a difficult position because the president is involved.
Other prosecutors refused to make direct comments on the possibility of investigating Roh.
But the prosecution is under pressure to thoroughly investigate the simmering campaign fund scandal surrounding Roh’s confidants, as well as lawmakers of the majority Grand National Party and aides to its former presidential candidate Lee Hoi-chang.
Under the current Constitution, it is impossible to take legal action against the president as he is protected from being indicted for any criminal charges.
But law experts believe that the prosecution is able to make inquires into the president’s actions. They said a team of prosecutors could visit Chong Wa Dae to question Roh about his role in the fundraising.
So far, the prosecution has not found any evidence the president was directly involved in his party’s illegal fundraising. In yesterday’s news conference, Roh, who was elected on an anti-corruption platform backed by the then-ruling Millennium Democratic Party, didn’t comment on whether he was aware of the illegal corporate donations.
Prosecutors said it is unlikely Roh will turn himself in to the prosecution office as his political rival Lee did Monday. Even if they find Roh was involved in wrongdoings, he may not face charges until he steps down in February 2008.
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