President Says ‘There Can Be No Sanctuary From Investigation’
By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun said on Tuesday that if need be he was willing to allow prosecutors to visit Chong Wa Dae to question him concerning the illegal campaign fundraising during last year’s presidential election.
``I will cooperate with prosecutors in their investigations if they think it is necessary and make the request,’’ Roh said in a press conference at Chong Wa Dae. `` There can be no sanctuary regarding the matter.’’ Roh’s press conference came a day after Lee Hoi-chang, the Grand National Party (GNP) candidate in last year’s presidential election, voluntarily underwent questioning by prosecutors, holding himself responsible for the party’s illegal collection of campaign funds to the tune of 50 billion won.
He repeated that he will abide by his early promise to quit the politics, if it is proved that his campaign team spent more than one tenth of what the opposition Grand National Party (GNP) did during the presidential election period last year.
Roh came forward with the controversial proposal during a meeting with leaders of the four main political parties at Chong Wa Dae on Sunday.
``That proposal came in response to the GNP’s groundless allegations,’’ he said, adding that he would not retract it.
``It is necessary for us to set up a new tradition whereby politicians hold themselves responsible for whatever misdeeds they do and retire from politics of their own volition,’’ he said.
Regarding the corruption allegations involving his aides, he apologized but said, ``I believe current situation cannot be avoided.’’
Roh also said he would conduct a minor cabinet shakeup around the end of the year. The Shuffle will affect several ministers and is a part of his ongoing effort to revamp the state administration.
``I will let ministers wanting to run for the general elections go their way and I may need to reassign some ministers who aren’t performing their duty well,’’ he said.
The President said he would not enter the pro-government Uri Party until the investigations are finished, pointing out his need to tackle the pending issues appropriately without engaging in partisan affairs.
However, he indicated he would enter the party ahead of the forthcoming general elections in April next year.
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