Arrest Warrant to Be Requested for Rep. Choi of GNP
By Na Jeong-ju
Staff Reporter
Lee Kwang-jae, former confidant of President Roh Moo-hyun, on Thursday admitted taking 100 million won from Sun & Moon Group and conveying it to the Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) before last year’s presidential election.
``I accepted 100 million won in checks from (Sun & Moon) chairman Moon Byung-wook and delivered it to an MDP official,’’ Lee told reporters as he arrived at the Seoul District Prosecutor’s Office for questioning.
``I thought the receipt was properly issued for the money later, but the receipt wasn’t issued,’’ Lee said.
His statement contradicts earlier remarks in which he denied accepting money from Moon, who was jailed last week for allegedly making illegal donations to politicians during the election. He previously had said he never took illicit money from Sun & Moon or any other business groups.
After Lee’s admission, attention now shifts to whether Roh, then-MDP presidential candidate, was aware Lee accepted the Sun & Moon donation. Lee refused to comment on the issue or disclose the name of the MDP official who took the 100 million won from him.
Lee, 38, who played a key role in Roh’s election, resigned in October as chief of the presidential policy-monitoring bureau after the campaign fund scandal broke.
The prosecution plans to request an arrest warrant for Rep. Choi Don-woong of the opposition Grand National Party (GNP) today on charges of collecting illicit political funds for last year’s presidential election.
Choi, who served as GNP’s chief financial official, has repeatedly ignored orders to face questioning by prosecutors.
The prosecution’s move is part of its broad investigation into widespread political corruption. Both ruling and opposition parties are suspected of collecting tens of millions of dollars to finance their election campaign.
Choi already has admitted that he collected 10 billion won ($840,000) from SK, the nation’s third largest conglomerate, just before the Dec. 19 election.
The GNP alleged Lee Kwang-jae helped Sun & Moon get approval for 9.5 billion won in illegal loans from the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation and a large amount of it was funneled to Roh’s campaign. The GNP has included Lee’s case in an independent counsel bill passed to investigate allegations involving three of Roh’s former aides.
Lee flatly denied the GNP’s claim. ``I took no more than 100 million won (from Sun & Moon),’’ Lee said. ``The allegation of 9.5 billion won is far from the truth. If there is any fault that I have to take responsibility for, then I’m willing to do so.’’
Prosecutors suspect Moon gave 100 million won to Lee, hoping to get favorable treatment for his business in return. Prosecutors said they will take legal action against Lee.
The prosecution said Samsung, LG and SK _ the nation’s top three conglomerates _ gave more than 15 billion won in illegal campaign funds to the party after stashing slush funds. Some prosecutors suspect the total amount of the election funds the GNP took last year from businesses may exceed 100 billion won.
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