Clashes Feared Between Pro- and Anti-Government Groups
By Na Jeong-ju
Staff Reporter
Clashes between residents of Puan, North Cholla Province are feared as those supporting the government plan to build a nuclear waste processing plant in the southwestern town raise its voice to challenge the majority of the city’s residents who are opposed to the plan.
Two groups of Puan residents in favor of the plan held separate news conference in their offices on Friday, proposing quick discussions on the potential benefits to be gained by the southwestern seaside county after the disposal site is built.
``We need discussion and debate at this moment, not bloody fights that resolve nothing,’’ one group said in a statement issued under the protection of police troopers dispatched for possible attacks from opposing residents.
``Only the opposition’s opinion has prevailed, and those in favor of the government plan are being treated as traitors. We need to stop distorting reality and actively involve everyone in talks to find better answers.’’
It is the first time that pro-government residents announced their opinion publicly since last July when Puan magistrate Kim Jong-kyu agreed to allow the construction of the storage plant _ to be located in Wido, an islet off Puan _ go ahead. The situation in the region has gone from bad to worse with groups of residents and environmentalists staging violent demonstrations, demanding the plan be immediately scrapped.
``We need to talk about whether the factory makes this region `a land of death,’ or brings benefits to all,’’ the group said.
Police said there were no clashes between residents yesterday, but the worry about renewed riots, this time between the city’s citizens, is likely to become a reality if they raise separate rallies in the future.
The statement comes as the government is mulling a referendum in Puan to allow residents to decide for themselves whether to put the plan into action. The pro-government groups estimated that about 40 percent of Puan residents may support the plan.
The groups demanded the government make clear what it will offer in return for the nuclear waste facility, urging policymakers not to give in to strong opposition and violent protests.
Earlier, the government promised to give a large amount of money to each resident as part of an aid package, but the plan was mothballed after the county authority accepted the plan.
The pro-government residents said they will participate in talks not only with the government but also with those opposing the plan to help set out a policy that can be accepted by all residents.
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