WASHINGTON (Yonhap) - The lawyer for victims of the Nogun-ri massacre said May 14 that he will file a lawsuit for the mass killings with the U.N. Human Rights Commission. (UNHRC)
Michael Choi, a Philadelphia-based Korean-American attorney, said, "I am writing some documents for the lawsuit and will submit them to the committee in a few days."
On some U.S. news reports that denied the massacre under the order of U.S. chief commanders in the early weeks of the war, Choi said, "Are they going to dismiss the testimony that U.S. commanders ordered their soldiers to shoot the last refugee in the tunnel?"
The lawyer also claimed that the Pentagon’s decision to extend the investigation deadline of the alleged massacre is a conspiracy to hand the thorny issue to the next government.
To prevent this, he said he will ask Korea’s National Assembly to adopt a resolution for a thorough Korea-U.S. joint investigation.
"The South Korean government should also closely cooperate with a lawyers’ group instead of trying to exclude them," he said.
Choi said he will decide whether to file the case with a court by the end of next month after watching the U.N. Human Rights Commission’s handling of the mass killing and U.S. government responses.
Earlier, the committee of the Nogun-ri victims in South Korea dismissed May 12 Stars and Stripes’ report that two American veterans of the war who provided information on the massacre to the Associated Press (AP) were not at the scene of the incident.
The Committee for Unveiling Truth Behind the Nogun-ri Massacre said the biweekly in question is unrelated to the U.S. military daily of the same name.
The committee is now collecting proof to invalidate the Stars and Stripes’ report.
The biweekly publishes some 10,000 copies to U.S. veterans.
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