By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
President Roh Moo-hyun has decided to set up the position of senior presidential secretary exclusively for economic affairs with the aim of revitalizing the sagging national economy, according to Chong Wa Dae officials.
Roh is considering a shakeup of the presidential office soon toward that end, they said.
``The decision came since Roh is determined to put first priority on recovering the national economy from next year,’’ presidential spokesman Kim Jong-min said, adding the partial reshuffle will take place on Friday.
With the establishment of the new post, the current position of senior presidential secretary for policy planning, responsible for coordinating economic policies among government agencies, will be abolished, Kim said.
Critics, however, said the establishment of the new office will only aggravate the conflicts between the presidential office and other economic agencies although it shows Roh’s strong determination to revitalize the economy.
Roh has been suffering from a nosedive in approval ratings mainly due to the lingering economic slowdown.
Under the shakeup, National Security Adviser Kwon Chin-ho will also assume the task of presidential adviser on defense affairs, whose post has been vacant since July when Yoon Kwang-ung moved to take the post as defense minister.
Chong Wa Dae will also launch the Innovation Management Bureau for effective management of innovation, civil petitions and system reform, he said.
The presidential office is also seeking to replace some 10 heads of state-funded organizations by the end of this year.
``It is natural to replace figures who have shown many problems in the process of carrying out their duties although the government needs to guarantee the tenure of officials with smooth management performances,’’ Park Jung-kyu, senior presidential secretary for civil affairs, said.
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