President Roh Moo-hyun, second from left, and first lady Kwon Yang-suk, third from left, are escorted by an Indian government official upon arrival at Indira Ghandi International Airport in New Delhi, Monday. / Yonhap
By Shim Jae-yun
Korea Times Correspondent
NEW DELHI - President Roh Moo-hyun on Monday said South Korea has never attempted a nuclear experiment to utilize it for military purpose in the past.
``As a signatory of the NPT, the Republic of Korea has always supported international non-proliferation endeavors and complied with its relevant responsibilities,’’ Roh said during an interview with The Times of India, a leading English daily of this nation.
``Recently Korea announced the four principles regarding a peaceful utilization of nuclear power. Through them, we made it clear we have never pursued any nuclear development for military purposes and there will be no changes whatsoever in this policy,’’ he said.
Roh is making a state visit here and is set to have a summit meeting with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today to discuss issues of mutual concern including ways of speeding up bilateral trade and investment ties and the standoff over North Korean nuclear weapons program.
He is set to attend the Asia Europe Meeting to be held from Oct. 7 in Hanoi, Vietnam before embarking on a state visit to Vietnam from Oct. 11.
Roh also said he will propose the signing of free trade agreement (FTA) between Seoul and New Delhi in his meeting with premier Singh.
``I believe it is time for the two nations to proactively pursue the FTA to support the bilateral economic exchanges and setup of such a pact will be help for both nations as they have a mutually compensating economic structure,’’ he said.
``To begin with, we will seek to buttress activities of the Korea-India Joint Trade Committee on Investment Promotion in a bid to vitalize bilateral trade and investment,’’ Roh added.
Regarding the question whether Seoul is ready to support India in its bid to gain a permanent seat in the UN Security Council, Roh said, ``The UN needs to be reshaped in a way that will help enhance its democratic character. Reform of the Security Council is under discussion at the UN.’’
``I think it is better to review the membership after the overall direction of reform has been determined,’’ he said.
Seoul and New Deli are set to sign agreements for exception of visas for diplomats, government officials and business leaders to expand exchanges of personnel.
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