By Seo Soo-min
Staff Reporter
United States Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived here on Sunday for the annual defense ministers’ talks, with the South Korean troop dispatch to Iraq and a possible realignment of U.S. Forces Korea expected to be at the top of the agenda.
Rumsfeld is on the second leg of his Asia tour, after having met with Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi in Japan. He flew in to Seoul Airport in the afternoon via a chartered flight.
Here until Wednesday, Rumsfeld will meet with his South Korean counterpart, Cho Young-kil, at the 35th annual ROK-U.S. Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) on Monday and Tuesday. A courtesy call to President Roh Moo-hyun is planned for this afternoon.
A rocky path lies ahead for South Korea and the U.S. at this year’s SCM, the most important annual meeting between the allies.
Iraq is likely to dominate the talks, where fierce debate is expected on the number, makeup and timing regarding Seoul’s dispatch of additional troops to assist with Washington’s mission there.
South Korea is thinking of sending some 3,000 soldiers including many non-combat soldiers such as army engineers and medics.
The U.S., however, would like to see a larger South Korean force staffed by infantry soldiers for the mission in Iraq.
At a recent working-level meeting in Washington, the U.S. side asked for a dispatch next February, whereas the South Koreans asked for April or May.
Seoul’s hesitation is attributed to the turbulent domestic situation. Political pundits forecast an early troop dispatch will likely lead to negative results for President Roh in next April’s general elections.
Inside the thick doors of the Defense Ministry where the talks will be held, however, an array of other pressing issues are also expected to heat up the dialogue.
The two sides need to work out details on relocating the U.S. Forces Korea’s (USFK) main Yongsan Garrison out of Seoul, including how much of the land will be retained to house the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command and United Nations Command headquarters.
The U.S. has threatened to move the two headquarters to Osan-Pyongtaek if sufficient land, about one thirds of the current size, is not allotted to them.
Rumsfeld has indicated he will also discuss a possible U.S. forces reduction and a pull-back from the North Korean border.
The U.S. official came here for the first time since assuming current post. His next destination is Australia.
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