President Lays Down Guidelines on Iraq Deployment Prior to Rumsfeld’s Visit
By Shim Jae-yun
Staff Reporter
South Korea will send no more than 3,000 troops to Iraq, presidential spokesman Yoon Tai-young said on Thursday, announcing the government’s official stance over the controversial matter.
``President Roh Moo-hyun has ordered the relevant ministries to map out a plan to send troops to Iraq on the proviso that the deployment will note exceed 3,000,’’ Yoon said during a media conference.
Roh gave the instruction during a meeting of security ministers at Chong Wa Dae, Nov. 11, to discuss details of the dispatch like the number and type of troops to be sent.
Chong Wa Dae’s affirmation came amid growing confusion over the troop dispatch with various speculative reports and is expected to trigger a fresh row between Seoul and Washington as the latter has been insisting on a minimum of 5,000 soldiers.
Security officials from both nations are set to engage in tough discussion over the matter during the Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) to be held in Seoul Nov. 17.
Concerning the character of the troops to be sent to the Middle East, Roh instructed the ministries to prepare two alternatives where the troops will consist of either noncombatants like engineering units and medics or combat troops to take charge of independent military operations in a certain area.
``President Roh stressed the troops should focus on reconstruction even in if they are responsible for the operation of a certain area and refer security maintenance to the Iraqi military and police,’’ Yoon said.
Roh’s remarks are likely to disappoint the U.S. as it has been expressing hope Seoul will also engage in promoting security in the war-torn area.
Yoon said Roh’s instructions will be a firm guideline to be followed in the process of working out the troop dispatch plan among the relevant ministries.
``The final schedule will be based on the outcome of the Korean delegation’s negotiation with the U.S.,’’ he said.
With regard to the motivation for the official announcement of the government’s position at this stage, Yoon said, ``We have decided to do so due to allegations that the government has failed to come up with its own specific stance and the increasing speculative reports on the matter.’’
He vowed that the government will continue efforts to come to a final decision that the people will support.
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